Emergency Dental Services
Handling Your Dental Emergency With The Care And Urgency It Deserves
Boychuk Dental is here for you in the event of dental emergencies! We understand that experiencing a toothache in the middle of the night or breaking a tooth can be a frightening and painful experience. Whether you are from Saskatoon or just passing through, don't worry; we have you covered!
Prompt And Compassionate Care When You Need It Most
If you need an emergency dentist, don't hesitate to call our office! We prioritize your well-being and are committed to providing immediate assistance. Our dedicated team will work diligently to schedule your appointment as soon as possible, and in many cases, we can even see you on the same day you call.
When you call our office, you'll be greeted by our receptionist and scheduled to come in as soon as possible. If you call after hours, you'll find Dr. Brown's personal phone number on the answering machine.
You don't have to suffer in pain; we're here to help.
Experienced Care and During Your Dental Emergencies
We understand that emergency dental treatment often requires special attention and care. Our highly skilled staff is experienced in handling a wide range of dental emergencies, ensuring you receive the relief you need. Our skilled team will assess the situation and discuss the appropriate treatment options with you.
Even if we can't immediately provide the complete treatment required, we will ensure you are comfortable and pain-free until the comprehensive treatment can be performed. Emergency treatment often poses special needs, such as pre-treatment with antibiotics before dental treatment. If antibiotics are needed, Boychuk Dental's staff will ensure that this is handled.
Preparing For Your Appointment
The Boychuk Dental staff recommends that you try to relax and rest while waiting for your appointment. Take small precautions such as eating soft foods, avoiding chewing with the affected teeth, and avoiding cold beverages and foods when needed. It is generally safe to take over-the-counter pain medication, but we recommend you consult your general care physician before starting any new medications.
If you have lost a tooth, please save it and bring it into the office for your appointment.
If you need help managing your emergency until your scheduled appointment, please discuss your concerns with a staff member. Our team is always happy to help every patient however possible! We understand that dental emergencies can be distressing and are here to provide guidance and support.